Shawn Crahan, il clown, ha creato una sua personale serie di maschere realizzate a mano in edizione limitata e in vendita tramite il suo sito Apocaliptyc Nightmare.
La prima maschera “Clown Mask 001” è prodotta in 50 esemplari ed è acquistabile a 500$ in questa pagina.
Qui sotto le parole del Clown riguardo questo progetto:
Hey Everybody, its clown. I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has made my birthday today [September 24th] a special day. It means a lot to have everyone reach out and say everything that has been said thus far.
I feel being 44 years old today is the beginning of a new era for myself for whatever reason. I decided that every year on my birthday I’m going to release a new clown mask. As you know I’ve tried to get some masks out to the public and it hasn’t quite yet added up to everything I wanted to be. Now I’m collaborating with a friend named Jason Kain and we are going to bring you the new way in clownology.
I just put them up today. I’m going to put masks out every year with a new story. Clown001 is starting it all off. In the near future you will receive the story behind clown001.
Again thank you for all the Happy Birthday wishes and for my birthday I want all of you to take some sort of artistic photo today.
Be safe. Have a great day. Live your life. Peace.
Fonte: Roadrunner Records Italia